609-858-2016 info@purplestripe.com

Purple Stripe Blog

Things we think about and then type…

Going Analog!

A question on LinkedIn spurred a bit of topic here.  What happens when a company is currently & successfully engaged in social media marketing?  What's next? Here's a great idea.  GO OFFLINE. Analog. Old school. Yes, really. All those people that you have been...

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Old Spice vs. OhDoctah

As brilliant as I think the new Old Spice Man is it was professional content produced by an agency. Now, some amazing 'user generated content' appears that may just dethrone the viral Old Spice spots. OhDoctah (video link) & Alyssa Milano (video link) **both...

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How Google Works

While it’s impossible to know the inner-workings of Google search, outsiders can take an educated guess. What exactly happens when you click Search? This infographic from PPCBlog helps visualize the process - that takes just ONE SECOND to complete. Infographic by PPC...

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The Year of the Tablet

The Year of the Tablet

For years, we have been hearing that it's the "year of the mobile," but I think what is really happening is a conversion to tablet devices (not to be confused with a tablet PC - they run a stripped down version of desktop operating system software).  The iPad took...

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The Right Tool For The Job

Each social media tool has it’s own way of working, both technically and culturally, and requires a unique approach for each. Twitter has evolved as a great place for news, entertainment, updates, and general chit-chat. Facebook is great for forming (or rekindling) relationships, social gaming, and socializing. LinkedIn is all about business networking and job fulfillment. What goes on in one platform is generally ill-received on others.

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Social Media & The Workplace

Lynette Young, founder of Purple Stripe Productions LLC, recommends a written agreement between the employees and company that outlines roles and responsibilities, including topics and issues that are and are not permitted to be covered in a public forum such as blogging or social networking, as well as a process to get information not covered accepted and approved.

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Mercer County 2010 Spring Business Expo

Thursday June 10th Purple Stripe Productions will be exhibiting at the 2010 Mercer County Spring Business Expo.  Stop by our booth for information and discounts on spring/summer training seminars offered by Purple Stripe. Stone Terrace 2275 Kuser Road Hamilton, NJ...

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