609-858-2016 info@purplestripe.com
Connecting With Your Social Graph

Connecting With Your Social Graph

Gathering “friends, fans & followers” – also known partly as your social graph – is a common goal on social media platforms (it’s really part of a tactic, but I digress…), but are you DOING anything to actively communicate with...
Connecting With Your Social Graph

Social Media Success and Profit for Your Business

Thinking of your business as a wallet – one you would like filled with money I assume, would you rather have 500 ‘Likes’ or 5 new customers? Would you rather have 1,000 online friends or $1,000? Would you rather have more ‘fans’ or more ‘profits’?

Connecting With Your Social Graph

Social Media Strategy vs Social Media Tactics

In the niche of social media marketing and digital communications, it’s well-known that a company or brand should have a plan before attempting to use online social networks to grow business. But once you have a plan, what do you do? The “WORK” part is the tactical plan. Here’s why it’s vital.

BookExpo America 2013 Education Sessions for Google+

BookExpo America 2013 Education Sessions for Google+

For the second year in a row Lynette Young, founder of Purple Stripe Productions and partner at Faucet Group will be speaking at BookExpo America at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City, NY. Lynette will be speaking at two sessions this year, both talking about...

Do You Need a Consultant or a Coach?

Professionally I fill roles as either a consultant or a mentor (some call it coaching), depending on the professional, company and situation. In my old line of work (enterprise technology) a consultant was usually a semi-temporary non-employee team member that was...
Facebook Promoted Posts – Are They Worth It?

Facebook Promoted Posts – Are They Worth It?

Inexpensive self-serve ads on Twitter and Facebook have made advertising on social media networks more accessible to solo and small businesses. While Facebook Ads have been available for some time, the idea of Facebook Promoted Posts and Twitter Ads are a fairly...