609-858-2016 info@purplestripe.com

How Google Works

While it’s impossible to know the inner-workings of Google search, outsiders can take an educated guess. What exactly happens when you click Search? This infographic from PPCBlog helps visualize the process – that takes just ONE SECOND to complete. Infographic...
The Year of the Tablet

The Year of the Tablet

For years, we have been hearing that it’s the “year of the mobile,” but I think what is really happening is a conversion to tablet devices (not to be confused with a tablet PC – they run a stripped down version of desktop operating system...

Content Management Systems

Development & Implementation The Internet has moved away from websites. If you need the ability to dynamically publish information online, attract a diverse and growing consumer base, and establish a unique online presence, a content management system from Purple...


Mobile Have you ever walked out of the house with your cell phone and not your wallet or purse? Us too. The “small screen” of mobile technologies is how people keep connected to their tribes when they untether from their computers. Be where the audience is...