609-858-2016 info@purplestripe.com

eCourse Disclaimers

What my eCourses are NOT

As important as it is to know what you will be getting from eCourses I offer, it is just as important to know what I will NOT be giving you.

  • Legal advice – Every state and every business is different so I will not be offering any advice on how to legally set up your business, copyright laws, or specifics on writing a business contract. My only advice here is to find yourself a good small business attorney.
  • Accounting advice – I will make suggestions on how to best determine and price your services but I will not be offering any accounting or tax advice. My only advice here is to find yourself a good CPA or accountant.
  • Guarantees or promises – There is nothing I would like more to see every single person that takes my eCourse to have thriving and wildly profitable businesses as a social media professional. The fact is that without hard work, skill, expertise, experience, knowledge and determination (and even sometimes with all those things) a business can fail, fail to make enough money, or fail to find clients. I can teach you but I can’t make you work for it.
  • A “get rich quick” scheme – no legitimate business endeavor is. It takes time to learn and build a business. If you are looking for a quick way to make some cash this eCourse isn’t for you.

There is a quote I recently heard that I feel applies, “when the result matters most you need to talk to an expert.” I’d also like to think that when looking for social media, social network, business or digital publishing training I would be the expert you turn to!